January 20, 2011

Bush breakfast

It was the morning of the last drive for our Italian guests and seeing as though they had a private vehicle and were on honeymoon we decided to do something a little special for them. We had also been fortunate enough to see 4 out of the Big 5 and were just in search of an elephant so there was no need to chase around for sightings. What we had planned was a bush breakfast at the Sabi River and it would be simple but elegant.

 On the way down we noticed that there were some fresh tracks for a big bull elephant and we followed them until we spotted him feeding far off in the bush. We went round to a road that was a little closer and that he was slowly moving toward and played the waiting game. After about 15 minutes we began to see the bushes moving as this colossal creature slowly ate his way nearer. He ended up 15 metres away from us and provided us all with some great views.

 After the elephant we headed to the river and set up breakfast…on the menu we had campots, which are basically layers of honey, muesli, fruit and yogurt topped with passion fruit, we also had muffins and panini’s. YUMMY!!

It was the perfect way to end their safari experience and they left with big smile and many thanks. Now it was time for some ranger down time. A rare night off for me meant a nice relax before the new guests arrive and the last 2 weeks of the cycle begin…

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