January 17, 2011

The heavens open...

After all the rain the game viewing has been tough...in 2 drives a pair of my guests had seen only a few different types of general game and rhino...

Heavily frustrated and under some serious pressure to find some cats we headed out on our morning safari. The most frustrating part of the safari was knowing that we had lions 200 metres from the lodge on a wildebeest kill but they were too far off the road to see them and with the soil being saturated there was no chance of going off-road to get a view. 

As we drove out we got a very short and far off view of one of the lionesses close to where the kill was but then she lay down and disappeared from sight. So we went off searching for something a little closer. We picked up tracks of our dominant male lion and started our tracking mission. This led us, unexpctedly, all the way to our lioness with the 2 cubs... At first the visual of all of them was non existent but then after a bit of patience she brought the cubs out right past the car and walked down the road. What an amazing sighting!!!!

1 comment:

  1. These cubs are just too adorable Rich, what a sighting! Your guests must of been super impressed. Good work!
