The first two drives were quiet on the cat front but we enjoyed plenty of great sightings including a little stand off between a herd of elephant and a buffalo.
Eventually we found some cats. We found our lionesses with the cubs and enjoyed a bit of family bonding. Some of the behaviour though was a bit strange as one of the adult females was suckling from the lioness with cubs...still trying to figure that one out... see the pic below!!!
The mother tolerated it for a while then showed her disappointment...
Then came bath time...
Then time for a little cuddle with your brother....
And then cuddle mom...
Now time for some dinner... yum yum
We were also lucky to see so many owls...none of the others would sit still for photos...
The next morning was crazy as we found the new male leopard marking his new territory and following tracks of the previous territorial male. After following him for a while he found the other male and then all chaos erupted with the new male chasing the other male all over the place. If you look in the second photo you can see some of the battle wounds. They must have been fighting for a couple of hours before we got there.
Rhinos, elephants and buff were all over the place and yesterday we had buffalo fighting on the one side of the vehicle and rhinos fighting the other. It was so insane no one knew where to look. The noises we outrageous and we sat quietly, I think this was cause everyone was a little scared to move.
Then last night our female leopard was posing for us in a tree with a kudu calf kill. We have been wondering where her cub is as we haven't seen it in three weeks. After we had left the female went to go fetch the cub and on route back to her dinner the new dominant male saw the cub and went in to try kill it as it isnt his. The mother put up a mad fight and in all the confusion the little one managed to get away. He is only six months from being independant of his mother and is learning just how harsh the world is. It will be very interesting to see how things pan out for him.
It has been a crazy 3 days full of amazing sightings. Lets hope the next 6 weeks follow suite!!
These cats are so beautiful. I want one of those cubs!!