So last night sitting around the dinner table with my guests...all of us nice and cozy under blankets and hugging hot water bottles closely...we stumbled back onto a discussion we had had earlier on their stay. Taab, my guest, had asked what direction I saw myself going as my life progressed...
My answer was one that didn't require much thought as this is a topic I have spent much time thinking about. I would love to be a motivational speaker and provide guidance to those who feel lost on their journey through this life and also be writer.
At the dinner table we discussed how difficult it is to be published and how blogs are a perfect forum to start the writing process! After a lengthy discussion about this and the great potential that this idea has to propel me to where I wish to be later. We retired to bed and I lay there just pondering over the idea. Clearly I came to the conclusion that I should do it and here I am the next day continuing what I started almost a year and a half ago.
This morning we left to go out on drive a 6am as the first rays of sunlight started to claw their way over the horizon. This was the last drive for the Siddiqi family after a memorable 4 days with me. We had seen some AMAZING things and I truly wanted to finish their trip on a high note. Fortunately our resident pride of lions were lazing near a waterhole in front of one of Sabi Sabi's gorgeous lodges...I slowly started to make my way towards that area keeping tabs on the radio as to how many people were also planning on going to see them. Fortunately we were part of the first three vehicles to arrive as we only allow three vehicle at a cat sighting at any 1 time. As we approached the sighting I could hear the guys behind gasp a big "WOW" as they saw the 13 lions spread out and spread eagle, still fat from whatever they had caught the night before. After spending 45 minutes with these magnificent cats we left hoping to find some other crazy sightings. After stopping and looking at some beautiful trees and explaining their traditional African medicinal uses as well as water a couple of these specimens as bladders were rather full after morning coffee!
As moved further into our morning drive, a call came in over the radio saying that there was a leopard close to the area we were in and at that I decided that this would be the perfect way to end the mornings drive. We got the place where he had been spotted, the other vehicle that was with him was deep in the bush, so I slammed the Landi into low range and left the road. As we were crashing towards the leopard he disappeared into a small river bed and no one could see him. Myself and Mike (The other ranger that had first spotted the leopard) then followed the stream till we could find an adequate place to cross...off we went felling trees, dodging thorns, guests ducking and diving to avoid being slapped by branches as we tried to relocate the now lost leopard. Eventually I stopped next to Mike to plan our next move and 5 seconds after we killed the engines the leopard let rip with a loud rasping territorial call...the call sounds like someone sawing would but amplified hugely. The deep bass just flowed through and gave away his concealed position. He had moved across to the other side of the stream. I went round the other side of the stream while Mike stayed put in case he crossed again...eventually we found him but as we did he decided that it was time to move again. After mincing through the bush in his general direction we got view of him again....A MAGNIFICENT MALE....his rosetted coat glistening in the morning sunlight...after pursuing him for a bit he finally decided to lie in the shade of one of the vehicles viewing him and do a bit of morning grooming! The sighting was amazing and even comical, as the lady in the front seat of the other vehicle was cringing at the proximity of this huge cat and clearly felt like she was probably on the menu for the morning.
All in all it was an amazing morning with plenty impala, kudu, warthog, rhino and other creatures scattered across the African Savannah.